Featured Ideas

Field Notes

The Five Core Components of a Transformation Journey

Coeuraj Insight
When Coeuraj approaches new challenges with our clients, we design roadmaps of core activities that we refer to as “transformation journeys.” Learn more about these journeys.
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Field Notes

How Can Leaders Enable Change? Organizational Transformation Provides a Path.

Cynthia Oliver
Field Notes

How Organizations Can Leverage Design to Build Powerful Strategic Plans

Coeuraj Insight


Field Notes

Collaborative Design Is a Tool for Change: Here’s How It Helps Teams Succeed

Coeuraj Insight
Good collaboration doesn’t happen by increasing the number of emails or meetings; it happens through intentional, informed planning. Enter: collaborative design.

Report: Attitudes and Actions Towards Sustainability and the Environment

Coeuraj Insight
In Coeuraj’s latest report, Attitudes and Actions towards Sustainability and the Environment, consumers were surveyed for their thoughts on growing climate challenges, how they’re changing their own actions, and what they expect from the bu...
Abstract image of blue tinted crumpled paper
Field Notes

Charting the Course to a Sustainable Economy

Scott Cavan
Jonathan English
Scott Cavan, former Director of Sustainable Economies and Jonathan English, Associate at Coeuraj, discuss the principles underpinning the idea of a “sustainable economy” and the methods needed to champion it.
Grassy mountains with windmills
Field Notes

Envisioning Canada’s Future

Dan Pujdak
Mike MacDonell
Amongst the backdrop of global uncertainty, what does the future of Canada look like? What could it look like? Here's Dan Pujdak, former Executive Director at Coeuraj and Mike MacDonell, Director of Strategic Development, discussing the con...
Geometric glass walls reflecting blue sky and mountains
Field Notes

Reimagining Strategic Planning

Tamara Kerr
Julia Monaghan
Disruption is everywhere and in an increasingly uncertain and complex world, responsible governance requires preparing for the unexpected, even when the road ahead is not clear. Bold action requires bold thinking, and that means reimagining...
Arial of two major highways crossing
Field Notes

Coeuraj Manifesto

Coeuraj Insight
Abstract black and white architecture
Field Notes

Introduction to Inclusive Design

Nikkie To
Inclusive Design is a methodology that brings together a diversity of lived experiences, identities, and perspectives to enable the thoughtful development of processes, products, services, environments, and systems.
Introduction to Inclusive Design
Field Notes

What's in a Name?

Tyl van Toorn
So, why Coeuraj? I would be lying if I said arriving at the name Coeuraj involved a deeply emotional journey of truth-finding and reflection. Let’s be clear, it’s not a word. Coeuraj is not a word…yet.
Abstract black and white architecture

The Circular Economy Forum Report

Coeuraj Insight
The Circular Economy Forum—an annual World in 2050 convening—was held on the sidelines of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group annual meetings, and was the second in a three-part journey of curated discussions and visi...
Abstract pattern from coloured spinning lights
Field Notes

Why You Should Engage Outside of Your Usual Environment—Be it in the Office or On a Surfboard

Tyl van Toorn
Published in the Financial Post. Read it here.
Arial of surfer in blue-green waters
Field Notes

Why Backroom Decisions are Failing Us

Tyl van Toorn
After 17 million people died in the First World War, allied victors assembled to sketch out peace terms for more than 32 countries. The Paris Peace Conference produced the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations, with the goal of pre...
Arial of river bend surrounded by forest
Field Notes

The Worst Replacements for Bad Meetings is Bad Remote Meetings

Tyl van Toorn
Published in the Globe and Mail. Read it here.
Empty meeting room with black and white furniture
Field Notes

The Five Core Components of a Transformation Journey

Coeuraj Insight
When Coeuraj approaches new challenges with our clients, we design roadmaps of core activities that we refer to as “transformation journeys.” Learn more about these journeys.
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Field Notes

How Can Leaders Enable Change? Organizational Transformation Provides a Path.

Cynthia Oliver
Enabling effective change is a skill that leaders can develop and strengthen over time. Here are three considerations when leading change at your organization.
Field Notes

How Organizations Can Leverage Design to Build Powerful Strategic Plans

Coeuraj Insight
Members of our team discuss different design tactics to help develop powerful strategic plans that yield better results for organizations and the communities they serve.